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What it is


"Spiritism is the science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, and their relationship with the corporeal world."


Spiritism is a progressive body of knowledge that sheds light on what we are, where we come from, where we go after we die, and why we often face different challenges in our lives. In short, it addresses the reason for our existence – and how we can better ourselves to attain true happiness.


“Every intelligent effect has an intelligent cause.”


Spiritism itself came about as the result of the work of Allan Kardec, a French educator who codified Spiritism after studying a series of seemingly unexplained phenomena taking place in Paris during the 1850s. After some initial reluctance, Kardec investigated the famous “turning-tables” phenomena and concluded they were often brought about by the intelligences of those who lived before us and who wished to communicate with us.

It was with these intelligences, which Kardec called “spirits”, that he and other collaborators continued to communicate for years to come. As they pierced the veil between the world of the living and that of the spirits, they gained new information about God, divine justice, free-will, reincarnation, the spiritual world, the communicability of spirits (mediumship), and the nature of the moral laws that govern both our lives and the world around us. As a result of this collaboration between both planes of life, “The Spirits’ Book” was published in 1857 marking the birth of Spiritism, a spiritualist philosophy.


“Unshakeable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in any epoch of history”


In this revolutionary work, we find a new comprehensive approach to understanding our true nature and that of the world around us. It speaks to the constant need to investigate the world around us (science), to make sense of our findings (philosophy), and to apply them to our day-to-day living so as to improve ourselves and the world around us (religion). This approach is often referred to as the triple-aspect of Spiritism: the conjoining of Science, Philosophy, and Religion. Thus, “The Spirits’ Book” presents us with both the foundations of Spiritism as well as a great place from which to start or deepen our personal search for meaning and purpose.


“To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again, and to always progress – that is the natural law.”


Although Spiritism may have started with “The Spirits’ Book”, it has certainly not stopped there. Because our spiritual mentors and guides are interested in our continued progress, they continue to interact and collaborate with us so we may grow both in understanding and in the practice of Good. As a progressive body of knowledge, Spiritism too has continued to evolve and grow. Kardec himself would go on to edit and publish four other books through this cooperation with the invisible world before passing in 1869: “The Mediums’ Book” (1861), “The Gospel According to Spiritism” (1864), “Heaven and Hell” (1865), and “The Genesis” (1868). In the same manner, many others have continued to help generate more and more Spiritist content every after year.

Since the publication of “The Spirits’ Book”, Spiritism has grown into a global movement bridging science, philosophy, and religion into a new way of looking at life and the world around us – both visible and invisible. Its teachings continue to transform millions of lives throughout the globe and positively contribute to the making of a better world for all.

What it reveals

  • Spiritism teaches us that GOD is the Supreme Intelligence of the universe, first cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just, and good.

  • The Universe is God’s creation, and it encompasses all rational and non-rational beings, both animate and inanimate, material and immaterial. In addition to the corporeal world, inhabited by incarnate Spirits - human beings, there also exist the spiritual world, inhabited by discarnate beings - Spirits. 

  • There are an infinite number of inhabited worlds in the Universe, with beings at different degrees of evolution, some of them, being equal to, and others more or less evolved than earthly Man.

  • All the Laws of Nature are Divine Laws because God creates them, and they are superior to the physical and moral laws created by Man.

  • A human being is a spirit temporarily incarnated in a material body. The perispirit is the semi-material body which unites the spirit to the physical body.

  • Spirits are the intelligent beings of creation. They constitute the world of the Spirits, which pre-exists and outlives everything.

  • Spirits are created simple and ignorant, that is, without knowledge and gradually they evolve intellectually and morally, passing slowly from a lower to a more evolved world, until they attain perfection, and will remain in the world of the pure spirits without having to reincarnate again.

  • Spirits maintain their individuality before, during, and after each incarnation, and they progress continuously, and each Spirit will reincarnate, as many times as it is necessary, for his spiritual advancement.

  • In their many material existences, due to their own behaviour and actions, spirits may remain stationary for a long time, however, they never regress, and their intellectual and moral progress will depend solely, on their own efforts to attain perfection.

  • There has always been a constant interaction between spirits and human beings. The Good Spirits attract us towards goodness, sustain us in our time of trials and help us to bear them with courage and resignation. The Imperfect Spirits induce us towards error.

  • God has given human beings free will to act as they please, however, they are answerable to the consequences of their actions. Future life reserves sufferings and joys according to how we have respected the laws of God.

  • Prayer is an act of adoration for God, and it is part of the Natural Laws because it comes from an innate sentiment that every human being has of the existence of the Creator. This sentiment helps us to want to better ourselves. When we pray with fervour and confidence, we grow stronger against evil temptations and God sends his messengers to help and sustain us. We will always have that help when we ask with sincerity.

Understand Spiritism

Spiritist Practice

All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, following the principle given on the Gospels: "Give freely what you freely receive”.  There are no charges, and all the work is volunteer work. 

Spiritism has no clergy, and the practice is conducted with simplicity, without external forms of worship. It does not adopt or use in its meetings altars, images, candles, processions, sacraments, concession of indulgences, religious vestments, alcoholic or hallucinogenic beverages, incense, tobacco, talismans, amulets, horoscopes, cartomancy, pyramids, crystals, or any other objects, rituals, or external forms of worship.

Spiritism does not impose its principles, but it invites those who are interested in getting to know it, to submit its teachings to the test of reason and logic before accepting them.

Mediumship, which allows the communication between Spirits and incarnate beings, is an inborn faculty which we all have, although some individuals have a more open aptitude to it, and that is totally irrelevant of any religion or beliefs that a person may hold or accept. 

Spiritism respects all religions and creeds; it values all efforts towards the practice of goodness; it works towards peace and fellowship between all nations and all peoples, regardless of race, colour, nationality, creed, cultural or social standing. It also recognizes that "the truly good person is one who complies with the laws of justice, love and charity in their highest degree of purity."

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